Quality and Performance at the right price

Al-Mojeel Group is classified in many activities according to Saudi Classification.

Bows is the plural of “Bow” and synonymous with the word “Arch’s” It was taken from the Hadith of Utbah Bin Abi Sufyan’s . utbah said: “ The Arabs have words that are thinner than air, and fresher than water. Lunged their gullets as arrows lunges from their bows with combined words, if they are misinterpreted, they lose their meanings, and if they are replaced, they are diffiult to understand. Their words are delusionally easy to guess if they are heard. And they are not easily accessible if requested.”

We optimize all activities around information, material and financial flow. We provide globally integrated end-to-end solutions tailored to our customers’ supply chain management needs with a special commitment to industry specific requirements.

The Hajj is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the holiest city for Muslims. It is a mandatory religious duty for Muslims that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by all adult Muslims who are physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey, and can support their family during their absence.

The ʿUmrah is an Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca (the holiest city for Muslims, located in the Hejazi region of Saudi Arabia) that can be undertaken at any time of the year, in contrast to the Ḥajj, which has specific dates according to the Islamic lunar calendar.

Airline reservation systems incorporate airline schedules, fare tariffs, passenger reservations and ticket records. An airline’s direct distribution works within their own reservation system, as well as pushing out information to the GDS.

The importance of training and development, and the growing complexity of the work environment in present day society, cannot be over emphasized. Training and development ensure that organizational staff possess the knowledge and skills needed to perform their jobs effectively and adapt to ever changing technology.

Not sure which solution fits your business needs?

Effective solutions

You benefit from our experience in delivering effective solutions to the complex global supply chains of some of the world’s biggest corporations. You benefit from every innovation, whether it involves a simple extension to our Air and Ocean Freight products, whether it means a development in warehousing, or whether it requires a completely new integrated supply chain model.

Safe & Secure

You benefit from our experience in delivering effective solutions to the complex global supply chains of some of the world’s biggest corporations.

Fast Delivery

You benefit from every innovation, whether it involves a simple extension to our Air and Ocean Freight products, whether it means a development in warehousing.

24/7 Support

All of which explains why you’ll find the team of outstanding support at TransCargo ready to apply their passion for solutions in support of your business.

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